Our Tribe


Hannah Robinson

Maintaining a sense of organisation in the home is important to our family, as it reduces stress levels and delivers many health benefits. When your home and life is in order, it gives you more time to create memories with loved ones. After all, isn’t that what we all should be doing?

“A happy home, is a natural one.”

We are a local family priding ourselves on sustainable practices and the benefits of using natural products within the home. We are dedicated to using less plastic, less chemicals and being more present in this beautiful life.

Overall, we want our clients to spend more time doing what they love, whilst enjoying the benefits of a clean, healthy and sustainable living environment for their tribe.

Come on a journey with us!

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Courtney & Mack Robinson

My two helpers and biggest fans! Often they are seen helping pack sprucing equipment or servicing vacs while I attend to the lunchboxes and the endless piles of washing. Yes, I have it too! You are not alone.

It’s a system that requires precision and we think we have it pretty much down pat now.

SPRUCED Geelong exists because our family was determined to achieve balance in our lives. We are all committed as a family to make time to do the things we want to, not because we have to.

As a business owner, mother and wife, the best part of my day is coming home to these smiles.